Dear friends!
I am happy to welcome you at the “Step into the Future” International Scientific Youth Forum! This year, the Forum is dedicated to the 135th anniversary from the birthday of A. N. Tupolev - the outstanding Russian aircraft designer. For three decades, the “Step into the Future” program has been bringing together talented young people who set their minds on professional engagement into science and engineering. Among graduates of the program are brilliant scientists and engineers, statesmen, and successful businessmen. Participation in the Forum is a unique chance for each of you to take your first step in science, take part in discussions, and present your developments to leading scientists of our university.
The Baumanets is a person who achieves success by his/her labor, strength of will and insistence, who is not afraid to make mistakes and always strives for learning new subjects. Our educators will help you to take your first step into the future, and the university will give your opportunities to put the most ambitious projects into practice.
In the Year of educators and trainers, it is especially important to keep the continuity of generations in memory. Don't be afraid to ask new questions and take upon projects that seem too complicated at first. Hard work and a genuine scientific interest will definitely gain support.
I wish all participants productive work, new achievements and victories!
Dear friends!
I welcome you at the opening ceremony of the “Step into the Future” International Scientific Youth Forum!
The Russian President has set a goal for us - to ensure technological sovereignty and economic security of the country. This demands from us to focus on finding specific technological solutions.
It is important that young scientists, designers, and engineers in any regions of Russia to have ample opportunities for education and self-realization.
For this purpose, by order of the Head of State, world-class campuses are being built and world-level scientific and educational centers are successfully functioning in Russia. The Government of the Russian Federation are also establishing youth laboratories, and measures to support scientists are in effect. The Decade of Science and Technology announced by the President of Russia is also aimed at implementation of initiatives from the young generation.
At the “Step into the future” Forum you will be able to share your experience with research teams from different cities and countries, present your ideas, discuss current challenges of the modern world in a meaningful way, and, most importantly, find like-minded persons.
I wish you fruitful work! Let every single one of you make your own contribution to development of Russian science and achievement the technological sovereignty!
Dear friends!
I am glad to welcome you to the “Step into the Future” International Scientific Youth Forum dedicated to the 135th anniversary from the birthday of A. N. Tupolev - the outstanding aircraft designer.
This event brings together gifted young people who are engaged into scientific research works and technical developments.
As of today, professionals who are able to offer non-standard solutions in the fields of engineering, exact, natural and social-humanitarian sciences, find answers to acute challenges of our time, and support the development of the Armed Forces are in demand more than ever in our country.
I am sure that the Forum will be a new step in promotion of new discoveries of young researchers and will make a considerable contribution to strengthening the defense capability of our country.
I wish you all fruitful work, new ideas, interesting meetings and creative success.
Dear friends!
On behalf of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, I welcome the participants and organizers of the “Step into the Future” International Scientific Youth Forum!
In line with the Decade of Science and Technology, themes at the Forum are devoted to topical issues and directions in the field of engineering, natural, exact and social-humanitarian sciences.
More than 15 thousand ambitious and talented young people who are willing to present their scientific and technological achievements at the international level took part in 45 elimination contests organized by the “Step into the Future” program throughout the country.
This year, participants of the Forum will defend (stand up for) their own developments and findings of research works not only face-to-face with their peers, but also scientists and invited experts.
I am sure that capabilities and skills of every single one of you (any participant) will be due treated and evaluated.
I wish you to show up the ability of strategical thinking, find like-minded persons in the development of projects, bright impressions and well-deserved victories!
Dear Alexander Olegovich, dear colleagues and friends!
I wholeheartedly welcome the participants, organizers and guests of the “Step into the Future” International Scientific Youth Forum holding under the program the “Decade of Science and Technology in the Russian Federation”!
Today, more than ever, Russia needs young highly qualified professionals, engineering and scientific personnel capable of effectively and purposefully solving the most complicated problems of import substitution and keeping the state scientific and technological sovereignty of the country. It is the younger generation that bears the particular responsibility for preservation and replenishment the intellectual potential of the nation and the harmonious development of our state.
For more than a quarter of the century, the “Step into the Future” program, with its well-established traditions, has been undertaking a noble mission to enhance research and creative activities of schoolchildren, students and young scientists in order to screen the most talented young people and involve them into the profession. And this is the undoubted merit of Alexander Olegovich Karpov - the President of the Russian Youth Polytechnic Society, the Chairman of the Central Council of the “Step into the Future” program and its ideological inspirer.
The “Step into the Future” International Forum makes a meaningful contribution to maintaining the authority (prestige) and enhancing (augmenting) the traditions of the national scientific school. In the current geopolitical situation, your Forum is a truly effective tool of people's diplomacy that makes it possible to establish communications between young talented Russian patriots and foreign peers.
The works presented at the Forum testify to a great creative potential and high intellectual level of young researchers and reflect the growing desire of our youth for knowledge and achievements in the field of engineering, natural, and sociology-humanitarian sciences.
I hope that participation in the “Step into the Future” International Scientific Forum will be an important event for all its participants, who, without any doubt, will be elite and hope of our state. I also hope that every single one of you will be able to fully realize (fulfill, unlock) your personal potential in conditions of modern Russia.
Dear friends! I sincerely wish you good health, good luck, all the best and further creative success for the benefit of our fatherland!
My greetings to organizers and participants of the “Step in the future” International Scientific Youth Forum!
The desire to know the world, natural human curiosity are those features that have driven scientists at all times. Of course, they show up most pronouncly in childhood and adolescene, and just a few audults retain them. These people are the most valuable resource of any country, because only they can invent new technologies, push the boundaries, create our common future. Therefore, it is especially pleasant that this Forum supports young researchers from all corners of the world.
Science by its very nature is an international phenomenon. Its progress is impossible without mutual exchange of ideas and concepts between professionals from different countries. Accordingly, one of the main activities of Rossotrudnichestvo is setting up, supporting and developing of professional links between scientific societies in Russia and foreign countries. I am very glad that the best young minds not only of our country, but also Asia, Africa, America, and Europe have gathered together at the Forum.
I wish everyone to those present (attendees) fruitful work, interesting acquaintances and new ideas!
Dear colleagues and dear friends!
I am glad to welcome the participants, organizers and guests of the “Step into the Future” International Scientific Youth Forum!
The President of the Russian Federation in his Decree declared the Year of Teacher and Mentor in 2023. It is especially symbolic for us because this year we will celebrate the 200th anniversary from the birthday of Konstantin D. Ushinsky, the outstanding Russian scientist and teacher, and the 80th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Education.
Today, the future of our country, without exaggeration, depends on recognition the importance of teaching as well as the active involvement of young people into science. The fact that activities in these areas are carried out at the top level inspires confidence that our Motherland will continue its progress at a faster pace and be at the forefront of world science.
Such events as the “Step into the Future” Forum give a unique chance to talented schoolchildren and students to meet with scientists and researchers, take part in implementation of scientific and engineering projects, and find support for their own ideas. It is gratifying to know that the Forum's topics are not limited to engineering science because of sections (workshops) arranged on history, archeology, sociology, psychology, Russian language and literature.
I express gratitude to the Bauman Moscow State Technical University and the Russian Youth Polytechnic Society for organizing the Forum, one of the important events in the Decade of Science and Technology in the Russian Federation.
I wish all participants eventful and fruitful work!
Dear participants and guests of the Forum!
On behalf of the Roscosmos State Corporation, I congratulate you on opening the “Step into the Future” International Scientific Youth Forum dedicated to the 135th anniversary from the birthday of A. N. Tupolev - the outstanding Russian aircraft designer. The Forum is a key platform for thousands of schoolchildren and students who are winners of competitions between regional and Russian research projects in the field of natural sciences, engineering, informatics, and environment protection.
High-level leaders of the country have set tremendous tasks for us - development of engineering personnel, technical modernization and improvement of Russian technological competitiveness. Holding the Exhibition and Forum encourages intellectual works in the field of science and technology, strengthens the image and prestige of engineering and technical professions and digital technologies, improves a creative potential of gifted and ambitious representatives of the younger generation.
I am sure that the Forum actively encourages professional self-determination of young people and opens up excellent opportunities for integration into the community of young scientists and engineers in the space sector.
I wish all participants and organizers of the Forum innovative ideas, achievements in breakthrough projects, and new discoveries that will serve for the good of our Motherland!
Dear friends!
I am happy to welcome talented young people from all over Russia and their peers from abroad to the “Step into the Future” International Forum!
The “Step into the Future” Forum enjoys high prestige both in Russia and around the world. Its participants are winners of the competitive selection, where more than 15 thousand young researchers and developers were in competition. About one thousand of the best of them received a ticket to the Forum.
The Forum is attended by a special category of young people – they are those who have achieved meaningful scientific and engineering results. Their projects were completed at a real professional level. At the same time, they are still very young people — schoolchildren and students of colleges, technical schools, and elementary courses at universities. I think that it is precisely these young people who will make our future they are creating with their own hands today.
One of the main advantages of the Forum is its unique academic environment. The organizers managed to involve into working with young talents 4 research and development institutions and 13 universities. Members of the Program Committee, Jury and Sections of the Forum are outstanding scientists and highly qualified specialists, who, I believe, will do their best to make the achievements of their young colleagues come true.
I would like to note that the Forum was organized by the Russian Youth Polytechnic Society, which is implementing one of the most effective scientific and educational projects in our country — the “Step into the Future” program. Its holding is supported by the Presidential Grants Fund, state authorities, leading universities and scientific centers in Russia.
I wish all participants of the Forum to speak with dignity, show all strengths of their developments, find new friends and colleagues, get a creative spark to continue their important and necessary work!
Dear friends!
Let me address you with words of greeting on behalf of the “Knowledge” Russian Society and from myself personally. The “Step into the Future” International Scientific Youth Forum is a significant event for development of science in our country.
Today is a time of great perils and opportunities. What the world will be like tomorrow depends in many ways on people who expand the horizons of the possible by their efforts, who see creation as the key goal of life. I'm talking about scientists - people who at all times are creators and architects of the future.
I am glad that the Forum has united you - young people who passionate about science. There are many of you, and this suggests that learning new things and sharing knowledge with others is becoming a trend. You have a great potential to be on a par with such famous great scientists as Mikhail Lomonosov, Dmitry Mendeleev, Nikolai Basov, Igor Kurchatov.
In Maxim Gorky’s terms: “Knowledge is the absolute value of our time”. And I urge you to keep inquisitive mind), set out challenging tasks and not be afraid to make mistakes. The Russian “Knowledge” Society on the path of development and education is your reliable partner!
I wish you productive work and good luck!

Sergei Nikolaevich KATYRIN
President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
Dear colleagues!
I am pleased to congratulate you on holding the “Step into the Future” International Scientific Youth Forum dedicated to the 135th anniversary from the birthday of A. N. Tupolev - the outstanding Russian aircraft designer.
The Russian “Step into the Future” scientific and social program for young people and schoolchildren and the Russian Youth Polytechnic Society systematically and consistently develop the scientific potential of Russia. It is the support of young people who are open-minded, ready for new solutions and non-standard ideas, the formation of their scientific basis and motivation that help to ensure current and future discoveries.
More than ever, the society feels the need for fundamentally new solutions, discoveries, and technologies to ensure a good living standard for any citizen (everyone in our country) of our country.
All of you have already proven that you are capable of making, creating, thinking, and dreaming. These are the qualities that an inventor or researcher needs in. I wish you patience, because a discovery is always hard and difficult work.
Trust in yourself, make attempts again and again! Let this Forum give you not only new solutions and ideas, but also a kind surrounding (environment), supportive friends and self-confidence!