About the "Step into the Future" Forum
The International Forum for Scientific Youth “Step into the Future” is a grandiose contest between the best young minds of our planet, every year gathering together ambitious and talented young people who wish to demonstrate their achievements at the world level. The Forum themes cover the most hot topics in engineering, exact, natural, social sciences and humanities.
Each spring the Forum brings together in Moscow 1,500 future scientific and technological leaders from Europe, Asia, America, Africa, and Oceania. The Forum is attended by schoolchildren and entry-level students at the age of 12-22, who have their own achievements in science and engineering.

The “Step into the Future” International Forum is an unprecedented event by world standards, and not only in terms of the number of participants, but also in terms of first-class academic environment where its events will be held.
The scientific platforms of the Forum are organized on the basis of 14 world-class scientific centers and 13 leading Russian universities. More than 300 doctors and candidates of sciences are engaged in works with young participants of the Forum. The Chairman of the Program Committee of the Forum is Academician S.N. Kalmykov - the Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Lead organizers of the Forum are the Bauman Moscow State Technical University and the Russian Youth Engineering Society.
Individual and team projects (up to three authors) can be presented at the Forum. The basic form of achievements appraisal at the Forum is defense of research and development results in the presence of scientists and specialists with participation of peers and invited professionals. Working languages at the Forum are Russian and English.
The participants have an eventful program – a Science & Technology Exhibition of the best researches and developments, more than fifty thematic sessions, scientific and educational platforms, a festival of young couturiers and fashion designers, olympiads and competitions, familiarization with research laboratories and engineering centers, as well as the key contest of the Forum - the battle of teams for the Science & Technology Cup of Russia.
The Forum is organized as two-staged – face-to-face and distant. The live stage of the Forum is held in March; the distant stage is held during April. The main form of the Contest at the face-to-face stage is presentation and defense of projects at the International Science &Technology Exhibition, at the distant stage - at international scientific sessions.
Each stage of the Forum has its own system of awards, including more than one hundred nominations for more than five hundred winners and prizers. The collection of high-status awards contains diplomas of the Russian Academy of Sciences, universities, research centers and high-tech companies as well as scientific medals and cups, scholarships and internships.
The Forum is the key event of the “Step into the Future” program - the leading Russian organizer of works with talented youth in the field of researches and developments. Every year, more than 150 thousand talented schoolchildren and students take part in the program. The scientific and technological ecosystem of the program – which is the place for research and development works of trainees – covers 678 partner organizations, including universities, research institutes, high-tech companies, environmental organizations, and culture and health institutions.
The “Step into the Future” program accumulates more than 30-year experience in international activities. In 2005, it was the organizer of the XVII-th European Union Contest for Young Scientists, which was held in Moscow with participation of official delegations from 35 countries.
If you have any questions about participation, please contact the Secretariat of the “Step into the Future” program by Phone: +7 (499) 267-55-52, +7 (499) 263-73-60.